Knoxious, you’ve gotta calm down.

You know what bugs me?

Josh Charles is type casted as the crooked cop in like, every single movie he’s been in since threesome.


What the hell, josh?

Maybe I get it. Your boyish good looks and awkward charm make it hard for people to see you as the bad guy, so it’s a big shocker when it’s finally revealed that you are?

Is that it?

I watched Four Brothers for the first time, the other day, and the moment I saw Mr. Charles I said ‘he’s the bad guy, isn’t he?’.


I’m sorry, but I just can’t see him as anyone but Knox Overstreet. Ever.

In SWAT, he was Knox Overstreet, playing a dirty cop.


In Four Brothers, he was Knox Overstreet playing a dirty cop.


Even in Threesome, he was Knox Overstreet, exploring his sexuality in college.


Why ANYONE would ever be attracted to Stephen Baldwin is beyond me, let alone someone like gay knox overstreet…

My point is that any time I see josh Charles, I am immediately flooded with all of the emotions I get from watching Dead Poets Society – which is, for my one or two random readers, my absolute favorite movie.

All of the inspiration to write, or read, or memorize Walt Whitman poetry…all of the connection and understanding and sympathy for Neil…all of the ‘oh god, am I Todd??’…and, of course, my everlasting love for Knox Overstreet.


So I was thinking about Knox, last night. Thinking about what the DPS meant to him, and Carpe Diem. Thinking about how he just immersed himself in love and passion and absolutely nothing else mattered.

And I came to the somewhat depressing realization that I may not, in fact, want Knox Overstreet. I may just be Knox Overstreet.

My favorite line of his (besides ‘Charlie, tell me why they swoon!!’) is: “Carpe Diem…even if it kills me”.

That’s pretty much me, in a nutshell.

To hell with Chet Danbury!
True love is totally worth getting your face mashed in by some Neanderthal jock in a letterman jacket.



True love is worth anything. Everything.

So. While I am still completely certain of my love for Knox Overstreet, and my general sexual attraction to Josh Charles…I think I am the Knox Overstreet in my life.

God, I wasted so much time searching for him.

I can take a bit of comfort in all of this, though.


Because now I won’t feel as guilty for wanting Charlie Dalton.
